Terms of service
Thanks for using KRLX Mission Control!
The purpose of this website is to facilitate your interactions with KRLX-FM and allow you to manage your membership online, quickly and easily.
In order to make that work, we need to set a few ground rules, outlined in these Terms of Service.
By using this website or making an account, you agree to the Terms of Service - if you don't agree, you need to disconnect immediately.
We hope that we don't run into any issues while you use the site, and if we do we hope we can resolve them with you in an open, honest, fair, direct, and informal manner.
In a nutshell
- KRLX Mission Control is a website built by students, for students and community members. While we aim to make it as polished of an experience as possible, errors and bugs can and do exist throughout the site.
- Don't ruin the experience for others. Don't cause a denial of service, exploit a security vulnerability, hack/decompile/change the website, or do anything else that harms someone's ability to use the site.
- If you apply for a radio show, follow the spirit of the rules in addition to the letter. There may be loopholes and edge cases we haven't caught yet; if you find one, please let us know rather than exploiting it.
- If you use our source code in your projects, give us credit.
- You are responsible for any content that you create on the website.
- Different rules apply to the content you broadcast on the air. Not everyone is eligible to apply for a radio show, but if you are, then you'll be presented with those rules separately.
Permission to use our website and data
We are happy to give you permission to use our website and data feeds.
Access to our website is a privilege, and we can take it away if you abuse it.
If worst comes to worst, we can ask our lawyers to help us.
If you access our data through our API, that data is for personal use only and cannot be sold to anyone under any circumstances.
Registration and accounts
Some features of the website require you to have a user account, and some features might not be accessible to you even if you have an account.
Restricted features are generally set up that way for a reason.
If you register for an account, you need to follow these rules:
- The information you give us needs to be correct, and you are responsible for updating it if it becomes outdated.
- If we find out that you give us false information, we can delete your account, along with any experience points you may have accrued.
- Your account, and anything you create using that account, are your responsibility.
- Keep your password private. If someone else has your password and does something with your account that you don't like, you're still responsible for it.
- We won't ever ask you what your password is.
- Carleton community members who sign in with Single Sign-On also need to follow Carleton ITS account management policies.
Prohibited actions
Don't do anything that can ruin the experience for others. This includes:
- Hacking, decompiling, or reverse-engineering the website without our permission.
- Accessing or modifying someone else's data without their - and our - permission. (We can modify anyone's data on our website if necessary for troubleshooting, maintenance, or at your request.)
- Making unauthorized modifications to website content or source code.
- Creating your own website which is really just a fake copy of ours (we don't want to confuse people about which site is the real one).
- Creating content that we find illegal, immoral, or offensive.
- Using our website for commercial purposes.
Experience points
Experience points ("XP") can be awarded to individuals who successfully host a radio show.
Individuals who are eligible to host a radio show can earn up to one (1) experience point per academic term.
Issuing of experience points is contingent upon hosting a radio show in a manner that follows our rules.
XP have no monetary value and cannot be transferred.
We can take away or withhold XP if you don't follow the rules of hosting a radio show.
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